Regulatory Budgeting in the U.S. Federal Government: A First-Hand Account of the Initial Experience and Recommendations for Future Regulatory Budgets
By Anthony P. Campau, Chief of Staff & Counselor for the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) (April 2017-March 2019)

Regulatory Budgeting: Inhibiting or Promoting Better Policies?
By Andrea Renda, Professor of Digital Policy, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute

Measurement Options for Regulatory Budgeting
By Laura Jones, Executive Vice-President & Chief Strategic Officer, Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) & Patrick A. McLaughlin, Senior Research Fellow & Director of Policy Analytics, Mercatus Center, George Mason University

The Regulatory Budget in Theory and Practice: Lessons from the U.S. States
James Broughel, Mercatus Center Senior Research Fellow, George Mason University; Adjunct Professor of Law, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University